Moses’ Story
Because of your desire to impact the Kingdom, Moses’ Story has been translated into 14 Muslim languages.
What if you didn’t know that God invited the sons of Israel to return to the covenant He made with Abraham?
"You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt and how I lifted you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself. And now, if you will diligently listen to me and keep my covenant, then you will be my special possession out of all the nations, for all the earth is mine" (Exodus 19:4-5, NET).
This statement in Exodus occurs before God has given the children of Israel the ten commandments. God's offer to set them apart as a "special possession" was contingent on their return to a similar relationship as He had with their father, Abraham. This meant abandoning their suspicious view of God and embracing the fundamental principle that God reached out to Abraham as His friend.
Unfortunately, the children of Israel were unwilling to engage in a similar relationship with God and refused to approach Him on Mount Sinai. They told Moses, "You speak to us and we will listen, but do not let God speak with us, lest we die. The people kept their distance, but Moses drew near the thick darkness where God was." (Exodus 20:19, 21)
The children of Israel's belief that they could not trust God's intentions toward them resulted in a complex set of commandments and decrees intended to limit their access to God. The chain of blessings God initiated in his covenant with Abraham became anchored in their national identity (the Law) and, thus, unsuitable for "all the families of the world."