Adam’s Story
Because of your generous support, Adam’s Story has been translated into 8 Muslim languages.
What if you didn't understand that humanity was created to reflect God's character?
What does the "image of God" in this passage refer to? It clearly does not refer to a physical image or form. Though Christians take this for granted, Muslims are strongly opposed to any expression that might suggest God has a body and that our bodies come from His. Instead, Christian exegetes and theologians interpret the "image of God" as a metaphor to express that God created humanity to reflect certain qualities or attributes that He possesses.
The metaphor of "image" can be powerful when understood correctly. It captures the idea that humanity reflects God in the sense that we were created with certain qualities informed by His character. We love because God loves. We act with kindness and grace because God is merciful and compassionate. We remain faithful to God because He remains faithful to us. We are human because, at best, we can imitate God’s character and strive to reflect His attributes rightly to those around us.