Jonah’s Story
Because of your Kingdom vision, Jonah’s story has been translated into 23 Muslim languages.
What if you didn't know why Jonah became so angry that he wanted to die?
Jonah's journey begins with his refusal to accept God's calling and direction in his life. We know that earlier in his life, Jonah's prophetic ministry had been instrumental in restoring the boundaries of Northern Israel under Jeroboam II. These gains were likely at the expense of the Assyrian Empire, whose capital was Nineveh.
Imagine Jonah’s surprise when he receives a clear message from God to go to Nineveh. Certainly, Jonah would have shared public opinion that the Ninevites were the enemy, and perhaps even gloated that a small nation like his had taken back some of what belonged to them.
Jonah’s determination to travel in the opposite direction from Ninevah suggests a hatred of the Assyrians. He boarded a ship headed to Tarshish and promptly encountered a severe storm. He persuaded the sailors to save themselves by throwing him into the sea and became desperate enough to cry out to God only as he sank into the ocean.
Once rescued, Jonah entered Nineveh with extreme reluctance. His only motivation seems to have been the hope that the people of Nineveh would reject his message and that he would be able to watch them perish from God's wrath.
God's message to us through this story of Jonah is clear. He is at work to rescue people, even those with unwilling hearts. God is compassionate and merciful on His terms alone and expects us to abandon hatred for our enemies because He loves them.